£100.00 – £250.00
Bouquet of pale pink roses, with their calming softness and ballet pink hue. We delicately hand peel every petal in our signature style, for a full and luxurious bouquet with truly breathtaking impact. This bouquet will be wrapped with stylish waxed paper, tied with a ribbon and presented in a sleek black bag. You can add a personal message, which we will hand write, when you come to the delivery instructions. Delivery available to Central London postcodes only.
Delivery date is booked at checkout.
Grandirosa delivers throughout central London (Zone 1 and 2 only). The delivery price may vary depending on the destination which has been added at the checkout based on the delivery details provided. You can collect free of charge at our Marylebone store or call us to arrange a courier delivery for orders outwith central London.
1. Choose an appropriate place away from direct sunlight for your flowers and find a suitable vase.
2. Make sure to use a clean container or better yet, wash it before use.
3. Fill the vase with fresh water until it is two-thirds full.
4. Remove your flowers from the packaging.
5. Remove any flower heads or foliage that fall below the waterline.
6. Cut stems at an angle before placing them into the water – make sure all the stems are submerged.
7. Check your flowers on a daily basis.
8. Replenish the water, re-cut the stems and clean the vase every two or three days.
9. Follow these simple instructions to enhance the longevity of your flowers.
36 Chiltern St, London W1U 7QL, United Kingdom
© 2025 Grandirosa. All rights reserved. | Design & build by aminocreates. | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Delivery, Collection, Returns & Refunds
Grandirosa delivers throughout central London.
The delivery price may vary depending on the destination and is added at the checkout page based on the inputted delivery details.
Standard delivery time is between 9am and 6pm, Monday – Friday.
For delivery outside of these hours or to request a specific time slot, please contact us by email at info@grandirosa.com or by phone at 07889 340213
For same day deliveries to a commercial address, orders must be received by 2pm.
For a residential address, orders must be received by 4pm.
For orders to be delivered on Sunday, orders must be placed by 1pm GMT on Saturday.
We are unable to deliver any orders outside of London at this time.